Days 1 through 95: I combined all the individual daily time lapse videos
into one long video for the North and South cameras. I sped them up by
2000% so you can see the whole thing in 25 minutes for the North camera
and 33 minutes for the South camera. There is some overlap in the videos
because for the first month I only had one time lapse camera. There were a
few other days when I combined everything into only one video. However, it's
a lot of fun (at least for me) to watch the whole 95 days in just a few
minutes. |
![]() 2024-Entire_Project-North_Camera-1280x720v30-2000_percent.mp4 587.56 MB |
![]() 2024-Entire_Project-South_Camera-1280x720v30-2000_percent.mp4 794.68 MB |